Welcome to my Gender!
It's long and confusing. Don't get lost!
The Outer Layer
I use a few broad terms to label my gender. These terms are both identities and descriptors. They are:
- Transgender: Not identifying as the gender you were assigned at birth.
- Genderqueer: A gender that is not strictly male or strictly female.
- Nonbinary: See Genderqueer.
- Xenogender: Any gender that has nothing to do with the male-female binary and is instead explained by outside things like shapes, colours, weather, animals, etc.
- Kingender: Any gender related to/influenced by otherkinity/one's kintype.
- Neurogender: Any gender related to/influenced by one's neurotype.
- Chaotigender: A neurogender exclusively for those with adhd who feel that their adhd directly influences their ability to properly analyze and pinpoint their gender.
- Pendogender: Never being satisfied with your gender no matter how well it fits, usually due to self-doubt. This causes one to compulsively seek out something that fits better. This can also be called gender perfectionism. This gender is for neurodivergents only and was coined with anxiety disorders, OCD and OCPD in mind.
Still with me?
Onto The Inner Layer
These are my microlabels. I won't define them all here, but you can ask me for the meaning of any of them!
I am not all of these all the time! I am fluid between a few of these.
- Transmasculine
- Transneutral
- Transxenine
- Agender
- Demigirl
- Demiboy
- Demigender
- Genderhoarder
- Lesbiangender
- Aesthetigender
- Faunagender
- Coric
- Apothigender
- Orientationgender
- Multigender
- Cinemagender
- Genderflux
- Dolchechaufgender
- Pangender
The Centre
My most basic labels!
The treasure at the centre of the labyrinth.
- Trigender: Having three genders. Those three genders are:
- Ambonec: Being a man, woman, and neither/neutral all at once. Instead of them being three separate things, they're all in one. Think more like pizza with different toppings on each section than three different pizzas.
- Comgender: Knowing you have a gender, but not being able to pin it down beyond that.
- Genderfluid: Being fluid between genders. For me, my gender changes with varying speeds. Sometimes it's day by day, sometimes it's week by week, sometimes it's hour by hour.